Preparing to move wow
Preparing to move wow

preparing to move wow

We paid this company the full amount but feel we should have been offered some kind of compensation within the price due to the error of their judgement on the day. In the end I just had to throw them on the floor. They demanded we remove our hanging clothes that night, so I was emptying the wardrobe boxes in the dark. All of the boxes were left in our garage then for my husband to move the next day. I was following the removalists in the dark with the torchlight of my iphone to ensure both their safety and hopefully my brand new walls. This was the biggest error of judgement and it cost my husband and I a lot of stress during the ordeal. The owner of the Removals Groups assured that it would be fine and they would use torchlight if necessary. My husband suggested that they load the truck and then move our furniture and belongings the next day in daylight. My husband had expressed concerns about losing daylight for the move. They finally arrived around 1.30pm and we advised the owner that our new home had no power. They arrived several hours late, admittedly they kept us updated, but we had booked this removal several weeks prior so expected to at least see them in the morning. You don’t need a whole essay here – Just a few paragraphs should be enough to compel a browser to want to find out more, and pick up the phone.Unfortunately we had a very disappointing experience with The Removals Group.

  • Property description – this needs to be compelling and visual, telling the story of your home.
  • Flow of images – do your photographs flow in the same way as a viewing would naturally do? Starting with a front photograph, followed by a hallway, and then the living room, makes a buyer feel that they can visualise your home.
  • Photographs – these need to be compelling, attractive and up to date.
  • But ‘Romantic, rose-filled garden’ will stop a browser and make them read on.

    preparing to move wow

    For example, ‘Downstairs WC’ – is not so much of a wow factor.

  • Bullet points – these need to showcase the key features of your home, make them sit up in their chair and give them a reason to view.
  • The headline and summary paragraph – need to be strong, informative and emotive in order to entice a browser to click to find out more about your home.
  • These are five key areas that can help make sure your advert gets the click: With several property websites all vying for attention from millions of buyers, your online advert needs to really stand out.

    Preparing to move wow